Home for Cross-Dressers and TransSexual people
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All Discussions
chapter 6: Man had Adam's apple surgery
chapter 5: Man dressed as a woman sitting on Santa's lap
chapter 4: Carl, disguised as a girl, has a boyfriend
chapter 3: Boy dressed as a sexy nurse for Halloween and was molested
chapter 2: Entering the men's locker room by mistake
chapter 1: Boy Carl starts school life as a girl
chapter 8: Dress up carefully and go on a date with a boy
chapter 7: Men dress up as women to participate in bikini beauty contests
chapter 6: Preparation before beauty pageant
chapter 5: Carl's bikini stolen while sunbathing
chapter 4: A man disguises himself as a woman and goes on a date with a hunk
chapter 3: Man Unknowingly Gets Breast and Butt Augmentation Surgery
chapter 2: Feminization training for boy
chapter 1: Women dress up boy as sexy and cute blonde
Cross-dressing process
The breast-wrapped dress is beautiful
Boys' cross-dressing photo
Boy's cosplay look
Cross-dressers at comic conventions
Nervous about going out dressed as a woman
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